Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

This post deserves an Oscar lol. I, too, have run into this over the years. I found it very difficult to call myself "an award-winning" anything because it felt like boasting.

Amazing post. I feel like putting on a pink dress and standing on a boardroom table 😁

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OMG you made me giggle Kristi.

I refuse to accept that you're stashing your awards in the dark. Bring them out, show 'em the light of day, and inspire us!

You minx, I see what you're doing there - pink dress + boardroom, HA!

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben


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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Love that! the boardroom table where I used to work cost £13k and was made of marble! it was 100% ridiculous! 😳

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😮😮😮 Wow. That would've made it even more gratifying to stand on top of hahahaa

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Wish I had - I worked a lot of sundays with no one else there, I could have done it.

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Well, go look at Danusia's About page and you'll feel like you're right on that table with her 😁 It's such a badass photo!

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oh you. ha.

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I've a wicked story to tell about a boardroom, and a Christmas party that shall we say turned out to be career changing for two senior execs. No names mentioned, corporate or individual - it's a cracking tale.

The things you could have got up to Claire...

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

We did have cheese day with all the cheeses and lovely things once a month which was excellent but tame 😂

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I want to hear those stories you mentioned in another note. You asked should you tell them: it's a yes from me.

Cheesegasms I can get behind. My story involved lots of these without the cheese, leading to life altering career moves. I'm so happy to say I wasn't involved. Pass the Comte Claire.

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Great points here. I also believe despite the woo-wooness of it, that the more we celebrate our wins, the more we attract them. When I started my business, I was draining my savings (of course I was lucky to have savings - note the qualifier here discounting my success). I invested in a coach and she had me celebrate every time I received money, whether it be a new client or ten dollars from selling something on Craig’s List. My husband and I would throw the money up in the air and dance in it with the kids and the dogs (which was particularly fun the year we moved cross country and sold most of our furniture). Today we are grateful to be beyond financially secure and we still text one another 💵💃🏽🕺when money arrives in our lives.

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Steph, have you got a win from this week to share with us? I'm hoping you'll answer xo

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Arrived on Monday to our 2nd home in Portugal 😁

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High fiving you - what a win and a brag 🔥🔥

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

If your words aren’t a case study of how to do this Steph, I’ll just go ahead and eat my hat. I adore all you say.

Celebrating every time money came in no matter the size of the stash. 💞

Dancing to this is genius.

My pal Peggy and I exchange money brags AND I have a phone home image that’s money focused. This is not to say money is my driver. Impact is but in order to do the things we want…you get the gist. I’m thrilled to be featured in Keris Fox’s amazing @ladybirdpurse series soon so will be talking about this.

Deeply grateful for your words. 🙏🏻💖

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

I adore this.

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Danusia, can you please start a BRAG NOTE and we can all share our wins there?? Your insights here are brilliantly spot on. I've found that the women who have made it a point to showcase their amazingness at first are shunned. People quietly watch from the sidelines but as they keep showing up and showcasing themselves without shame, people start coming out of the woodwork to join in. Thank you for a refreshing read. And my win for this week: I'm at 85 subscribers, over 20 that came this week...and I'm so ready for 100!! 🎉

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I want a friend called Gladys. Had to 'tell' on myself.

With that out of the way. I'd love to start a BRAG NOTE - I want wins to be shared on the daily. What a pity those of us that step forward get a hard time, initially. But owning our magnificence is contagious - once a few women step up and share their glorious wins, others want to do the same.

EPIC win for this week. MEGA YES to your continuing success with your Substack subs. You're already there in so many ways - lovely to meet you and I hope we can get to know one another x

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HOORAY to starting the BRAG NOTE!!! I’ll be there bragging right with you. I love your enthusiasm and am looking forward to staying connected with you. 🌹

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Great idea!!

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Congratulations ❣️ it’s not bragging, it’s inspiring other women!!

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SPOT ON Teyani 🫶🏻

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Congratulations to you and your daughter! How wonderful ✨

This subject came up a lot for me recently when I got feedback from a reader of my substack that they hate my husband. She's never met either of us... We ended up having quite a chat about it and I realised I probably skew towards sharing the challenges more than the joys, both in my marriage, and everything else. We spoke about how vulnerable it can be to share the really precious stuff in our lives.

So, i'm practising more... I recently posted a celebratory post about the fact that I bought a house mortgage-free last month. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect such a thing could ever be possible, but if you move to an abandoned village in Italy, it can be!

P.S. I do think there's a difference between celebrating and bragging though... I just can't quite put my finger on what it is. I have in my mind a guy in a suit, going on and on about all the wonderful things he's achieved, barely pausing to breathe, let alone listen to what anyone else has to contribute.

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Wait...a reader told you they hate your husband?! Goodness that's quite something. Whatever happened to boundaries? Bravo that you share more of the less romanticised version of life - it's a tough gig and sometimes can be misunderstood. I love that you got into conversation and learned more. Such a generous heart!

I want to know more about buying a house, like you have. What an exquisite decision for a Wandering Woman. As you wrote recently Wandering is a state of mind.

About your PS - I've a sense that women can celebrate legitimately with a wine fuelled girls night out. We can be raucous and giggly. But to stand in our accomplishments with substance without being self deprecating or down playing or saying, 'oh that little award' - we will be seen as getting too big for our boots. What if we did 'go on and on and on' about our achievements without hardly taking a breath. What a wonderful exercise that would be!

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This is so me! The book in which my story „A Nymph’s Tale“ got published became bestseller on Amazon in four countries and I could call myself an international bestselling author now but my head goes „it’s only Amazon“ „it’s a co-authored book so not your own success, maybe it’s only because of the others“ „it’s not the New York Times“ „it’s a short story, does that even count?“

Stopping myself in my tracks here, I almost went down the insecurity aisle again.

I celebrate my short story being published.

I celebrate the book with many other incredible women writers in it.

I celebrate that with every purchase we donate money to emergency support for children and families in Gaza.

I celebrate that I want to expand my story into my own book soon.

I celebrate myself for following my joy.

I celebrate myself for writing an absolutely epic modern myth and fairytale for adults, I’m actually immensely proud of it!!!!

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Isn't it just the way to have that litany of questions running around in our heads? And that's BEFORE we open our mouths to tell anyone about the off the charts brilliant news. Because we qualify the size of it and our part in it until it's fit for consumption. Bite size, palatable. We wouldn't want anyone to choke on the real sized portion, now would we?!

YES to your story being published.

YES to you being in the company of other incredible women writers.

YES to money making a difference to supporting families in Gaza.

YES to you expanding your story into your own book.

YES to you following your joy.

YES to you for crafting an epic modern myth and fairytale and for allowing yourself to steep in pride because of what you've achieved

YES to you choosing to say NO to the insecurity aisle and instead to owning your brilliance and wins 💎

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I feel like i just got a therapy session thank you so much you! Took me half an hour too properly read your comment, every time with a little anxiety about you could suddenly say „but no to this“ 😂 big breath and and time to not give a f.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

The more you practice the easier this might get. 💖

Each time you say it/write it your not giving a f gets firmer.

I’m thrilled to have this conversation with you xx

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

You ARE an international best selling author! How does it feel? ✨💫✨

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It feels super weird and like such an abstract concept. Which makes it clear that no matter our achievements, there can always be someone (or we ourselves) who judge, criticise or find different perspectives. So it comes down to an inner feeling. Basically no bestseller status could make me feel innately happy or proud or confident, but I get to decide that now. And upon realising this I can finally celebrate and for a chance just bathe (literally two days in a row with roses and candles haha) in this success. Own it and also not be defined by it 🤗

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Brilliant news Danusia!! Wow!! 🤩 how are you celebrating? Friends last year asked me that question when things were going well here because unless we catch the moment it evaporates and I do celebrate everything now! My course sold out I bought a robot hoover - might not be what everyone would do but I LOVE it and it felt so good to do that for myself! ✨💕

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Your words made my day Claire!

This post was my celebration. Outing myself as hiding because of the problems I mention was my act of resistance. Thank you for asking, love that.

Girl after my own heart with your robot hoover. I want to know which one. I've been researching a robot hoover (and just to be greedy) a robot mower too. These would radically alter life. Please share any hoover recommendations 🤩✨️

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

PERFECT! when I hit bestseller here I got a Starbucks with my husband.

So the hoover I was shocked it was “only” £99 it’s Lefant brand. I think maybe an older model but hundreds of 4.5 stars on Amazon. It’s changed everything!! ✨💕

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Wait, what?! I was imagining some big bucks save-up-for-a-year hoover. I'm running towards it, as much as I'm pained to line Amazon's pockets all the more! Thank you.

Ah but the company we keep when we celebrate is critical. A coffee with your hubby is special 🌀💙🌀

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Right?! I know! Get on over. I cancelled prime a year ago so I think now and again ok they can have my money as it’s so bloomin convinient!

Ah yeah the coffee- It was like we have to just mark it because then we embody it and was super special to just have a cheers moment! ✨🟧✨

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

You are spot on as usual, even someone else acknowledging my achievements is uncomfortable. I love hearing other people talk about their achievements though. Ridiculous really to be able to celebrate other people’s joy but not your own! Congratulations on your award, so well deserved 🤩

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There's the conundrum! We are taught to toot other people's horns while sitting with our own in our laps.

Come on Lisa, let's hear a win from you!! x

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

It’s nearly the end of term and I’m still standing which is a miracle after a very hard term with the kids. It’s taken a lot out of me, no one else will see this or possibly even understand but it is an achievement for me. I also finished all the coursework for the PhD so can get on with the research now! X

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

There will be people who see you. Who get what a tough time this is to navigate and to stay standing through.

Lisa, this news is amazing. You weathered that rigorous coursework PhD phase to start the real stuff that floats your boat. Your mum would be so proud of you. xx

ps. I see what it takes.

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Thank you xx

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Jul 13Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Congratulations on your podcast award Danusia, so amazing 👏 🤩

Gosh yes, I was definitely taught from an early age that its not OK to shout your achievements from the rooftops - that it was far better to be humble. But since retraining as a Coach I've realised how important it is to celebrate our achievements- it gives us a positive boost, makes us realise how far we've come and boosts our confidence too 🤩✨️

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Thanks so much Jenna!

Yes, celebrating is a big boost and is fundamental to us coming out of hiding.

I’m going to press you (with a big heart) to share here about a win you’ve had this week. I’d love to hear this and as many as you’ve got 💖

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Just saw your wins btw. Whoop whoop for you. So bloody exciting. Well done 👏

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Oh I needed to read this soooo much! I am all in for the brag note! Ok, let me see if I can do this…. Here we go, deep breath and body shake like the athletes do before a race…

I slept INCREDIBLY well last night, didn’t even wake up to have a wee! I woke up to find my husband had prepared breakfast in the sunny patio of our second home, a FABULOUS house in Spain on the Costa Brava. I sold a book during the night, woohoo, to someone in America, and I posted my 150-something’th poem since the beginning of this year on here last night and it’s hilarious and I think everyone should go and read it, it’s called BONKERS, and will make you laugh, as will my romcom by the way. The book is in development as a screenplay in Hollywood despite having very few reviews (mostly 5 star, anyway) because a screenwriter friend of a friend read it and loved it, I should be seeing the first draft soon. My daughter Olivia Bossert is an incredibly successful fashion photographer based in the UK who recently shot for Vogue and my son is a filmmaker in Switzerland where we are based, in our fabulous house by the way! I have the biggest feet you ever saw in your life,they are big sideways on, too! I have a fabulous autoimmune disease that I’m excellent at keeping under control. My husband and I have been married 35 years and still love each other. I am writing another novel from my Spanish office in the shade of my gorgeous patio. Oh yikes now I red faced and in major cringe mode but I think I did it! But maybe it’s a bit … shhhh

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Bloody epic!

I read BONKERS and it made me splutter my earl grey. Thank you for that boost.

One of the themes I can hear is you defying the odds (chuck this aside if I’m off beam 😉).

Your energetic reframes are superb inspiration.

I realise I could groundswell a brag note but my realisation was through YOU sharing yours. I’m so grateful. 🥳

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Jul 14Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Ooh I’m so glad you spluttered your tea, hope you didn’t stain anything though! It was a giggle to write that yesterday! All my poetry and writing is about trying to see the funny side, or the romantic side, often together 😂🤪. I don’t know why people don’t seem to splutter their tea at my daft poems! They seem to fly under the radar🤭. But I’m going to do a lot more bragging from now on. It’s very uplifting, don’t you think? If you can get past the initial ick!

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Aug 5Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

The idea of celebrating and bragging was a major component in the VITA Coaching Methodology that I'm trained in and use with clients. The whole point is that our brains are programmed to look at the things that aren't going right (in an effort to keep us alive), so we don't spend a lot of time focusing on the good. It's possible the rewire the brain to pay attention to the things that are going well and we're grateful for. At the end of each day, I have a writing practice of 5 things that I'm celebrating. It's changing me.

Things I'm celebrating...

I celebrate that I left my job to pursue a career where I am poised to make a difference.

I celebrate that my film maker partner helped me to record a video for an upcoming collaboration post.

I celebrate that I am 6 weeks away from submitting for graduation to become an Erotic Blueprints coach.

I celebrate that even though I was scared that no one would show up to my recent workshop, that I showed up anyway and led a terrific event.

I celebrate that I found a local business consultant to receive support from that is paid for entirely by grants, so I get her advice for free!

I celebrate that at the end of that business consultation, she looked at me in the eye and said, "I KNOW you will be successful."

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YES! So much to celebrate ~ your writing practice sounds transformative. Thank you for drenching us here with your celebrations. Great brags to inspire us all 💝

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I'm late in congratulations, but I need to cheer you on. YAY, You go, hon!!!!

Strategic bragging was a career must before, now I choose who I want to share my good news with - I get a bigger thrill these days, vs before.

This: 2. We reclaim our right to celebrate our achievements, surrounded by people who genuinely cheer us on....

for me it's the authenticity, sharing in the achievement and genuine pleasure ...like it's a shared success because friends have helped me achieve it...that's what lifts me these days. I guess it's also because I've a very different definition of success these days too.

Another great article, thanks Danusia

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You will never know how much your YAY meant to me Victoria. Thank you doesn’t cover it.

Isn’t it a giant pleasure to celebrate people?! I know you are someone who does this over and over, as a way of being.

Sending you so much 💖

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Thanks, Danusia Big hugs back

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Jul 17Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

I've literally just posted a note bragging about what I've accomplished since I left my husband 21 months ago today! I did it to inspire others. It does feel a bit icky to be doing it but I was obviously on the right track as I saw your article straight after! I've been inspired by others talking about what they've accomplished, so I want to be the inspiration now.

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I missed your comment replying to you Georgia - I LOVE that you bragged about what you’ve done since divorcing. How empowered is that?!

Love these words: so I want to be the inspiration now 💞

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Jul 16Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

My husband was raised in a rural, conservative town in which bragging was condemned. He’s discovered as a mid-life adult that his colleagues who point out their accomplishments to their superiors and clients are often rewarded with bigger, better opportunities. He’s learned to brag; to show off his skills and strengths in the workplace. Perhaps we need to reframe bragging as giving others the opportunity to know what we’re capable of, and how we can contribute to the world.

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Thank you for this Laura!

Yes let's reframe it as ways to give people the benefit of knowing what we are capable of and how we can and are contributing to the world. Love hearing about your husband and his skilling up on this. ❤️

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Here’s what this made me feel… 😭😭😭. Thank you so much for this. 🙏

You’ve inspired to round out this week’s newsletter with a few humble brags I’ve been sitting on. 🦋

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