Aug 22Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

My best practice (not habit) is writing even if I only have 10 mins instead of waiting for long chunks of time.

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That’s a brilliant practice Faith. Using up any spare moments rather than waiting for purist expansive time. If you’re like me we’d never get any writing done otherwise!

Do you find you can write anywhere?

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Aug 22Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Yes I think I can. I'm often jotting down things or dictating thoughts when I'm walking. Whenever I have a few minutes uninterrupted I can write. I just want to and need to do it more instead of reaching for my phone to scroll!

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Aug 21Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

That Franz Kafka quote is perfection. There's so much focus on trends and secret sauces to get published and fitting into genre stereotypes when everyone should just write whatever wild thing is in their heart. You know, around the kids shouting "mommy" from outside the door or breaking in to hand you 1000 trinkets or trying to climb on your lap to type themselves. I also have two young kids, 2.5 and 6. When I write, the 2.5 year old just yells at me and the 6 year old guilt-trips me (usually driven by boredom).

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I agree Heather, it’s a perfect message. Collecting quotes might be a little hobby of mine 😉

Your kids sound like they know how to plonk themselves into your writing time. Masterful, for sure.

Thanks so much for reading this new column too. That means a lot. It’s nerve wracking 🤦‍♀️

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