Mar 4Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

I actually listened to this! I almost never listen to audio on Substack, loved your voice and stories

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Oh my goodness. I’m honoured as I know if people aren’t an audio fan then that’s BIG. I forgot there was audio in it - I put it there without sending it out to subscribers (when I first thought I might like to be here) and I’d not discovered the audio post option.

So thrilled to be in your ears. That means a lot to me x

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Mar 5Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

You’ve inspired me to do an audio next!

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Yay! Can’t wait to hear it.

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Mar 30Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

So sad that you lost those friendships and had to deal with the negativity around your babies. So glad you followed your gut and what was right for you and your family each time.

As my son has stopped going to school and we've started unschooling I've let some friendships drift with people who don't 'get it' and have built a small tribe of those who do, including being able to write here on Substack at my page Holy Choas!

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Oh Faith I hear you about the ‘drifting friendships’. It’s good to hear you’ve found a small group of people who understand your choice to unschool. Many who end up out of the education system in schools are there not necessarily out of choice but because of unmet needs. We both get that!

Better to have a tiny tribe of loving people than a large judging group.

Thank you so much for reading my work. Truly you’re making a difference. As is Holy Chaos.

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