Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Danusia Malina-Derben

Hello Lovely Danusia - Merci buckets for the shoutout!

Yes caregiving is a species activity!!. Not a one-person role. We ALL need to rethink how we contribute to our community's well-being—cradle to grave, soil to table and everything in between, globally

In my opinion, we all need to rethink age-old definitions & beliefs— conditioned social concepts and thoughts about personal identity and work. Our definitions of success are driven by traditional economics of what work is. In fact work is not just transactional, its creative effort. Rethinking value systems, and income generation options are revolutionising HOW we work. People like Muhammad Yunus (Book: A World of Three Zeros) have started to redefine the finance world as I'm sure you know! (Microfinancing/Microcredit)

re. Balance. 2 points

1) my mentors told me to..'forget all that BS about work-life balance, there's no such thing— Some people need only 10% of what others would call 50%, time/energy/meditation - whatever it is to recharge. They told me to find what works for me...and keep recalibrating' Everybody's energy and body, demands something different to keep going. Be true to your pace/brain/ideas etc...be true to you..

2) In mentoring sessions with business clients, we Always discuss 'big picture' not just work itself. The biggest mistakes I've seen are when people think they can separate or create boundaries around work. We're a whole single person entity - how the H are we someone different when we're trying to get monetary compensation for something we do. We need to figure out how to be wholehearted about living, our values, and how we want to spend our time...knowing we each work differently.

SO My vote is that there is NO balance, there's Values-Driven decisions, actions and our personal definitions of success that can help us be agile and make our right 'choices' in the moment. Trying to control how we spend time is like strangling flowing water—frustrating and feels like a false construct!

Ooops v long comment

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Victoria, what a rich layered reply, thank you!

So much rethinking in this world to be done, you're right. The notion of balance is part of that. The idea too that in rethinking the existence of balance that I may be arguing for a hustle/work yourself to the bone set up is far from what I mean too. I know you get that ;)

Work life balance is a crock of shit. Or BS as your mentors put it. Agreed. Our capacities, energetics, pace, processing speeds (cognitive, emotional), bandwidths, and appetites are unique to each of us. And as for separating and/or compartmentalising...for some it is the only way to live meaningfully. When it's expected it's a problem. I prefer to integrate and to work with the whole self, and to consider those I advise in this way.

Strangling flowing water is a great visual. Love it although it would be futile to think we could achieve anything other than get ourselves sopping wet. Ha. A false construct for sure.

Your comments are always so fulsome. Thank you for taking the time to read and share with such generosity!

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I hear you and agree! I appreciate you hon. We continue to cultivate our personal paths forward ;-) Applauding your success whatever the details, you deserve it all. thanks xo

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