What to expect from PARENTS WHO THINK:
Hello and welcome to Parents Who Think (PWT), where we don't just spark your inner fire; we unleash a brilliant beacon. Here, we obliterate the mundane and rewrite the rules on how YOU tackle life's opportunities and curveballs, your way.
This isn't just another parenting Substack; it's a full-on rebellion against the status quo. We're here to shake up the lukewarm chatter on parent identity and all those hot-button parenting issues that make us squirm.
What does it mean to be a Parent who Thinks?
It’s different for everyone, but you’ll know if you are one. When I coined PWT, I was knee-deep thinking about my ten kids at 3am, when the house was quiet and my mind was loud. Endless ruminating, wondering, decision-making and flip-flopping.
And it’s not just about the kids - it’s also figuring out the kind of parent I want to be, or the one I seem to be becoming.
Join me in the beautiful chaos of parenting - the unpredictable, half-baked, no-agreement-necessary journey where finding your own path is the only goal. Expect raw, real and perfectly imperfect content - this is the unfiltered journey of being a Parent who Thinks. It would be lovely to share the ride!
Reminder: we're not just raising kids; we're sculpting the future. This isn't just about their happiness and stability. This is about the seismic shifts we're creating in the world.
When you subscribe, you access THREE powerful areas:
1️⃣ A front-row seat to the (top 2% of global shows) PARENTS WHO THINK PODCAST. We go all-in on gritty, taboo topics you’d never discuss openly but can’t wait to hear other parents tackle. This is where we slice through niceties and get down to the real vulnerable stuff.
2️⃣ And that’s not all. I send out an interview column PARENTS THAT WRITE with FABULOUS GUESTS which declares, "Guess what? Life doesn’t end when you’re a parent” because YES YOU CAN chase dreams, write books, get published, and conquer change the world through words and art - all while raising kids.
3️⃣ And last but definitely not least, let’s not forget the NOISE SERIES, muse-driven occasional essays from yours truthfully. Think of them as your magic tonic, ready to fuel your mind with fresh perspectives and daring ideas.
GET TO KNOW ME HERE: Listen to My Story in Stats:
This podcast is a one-off, a bit like Danusia. I thought I might not take to her because I thought she’d turn out to be one of those smug Supermothers with a tribe of kids. This podcast shines the light into both her business and at-home life and she’s become an inspiration to us all. What I know now is that she’s a grafter and that business success while raising kids is a tough yet possible gig. I can’t rank her high enough LISTNER MRSDEV000
Mini Rant from a Mother of 10: Stop Asking me THIS Question
If I Could Choose Again, Would I Be A Mother?
Where else you can find me:
Substack Notes | Linkedin | Day Job = Night Job
Sarina Zoe Fully Expressed by Sarina Zoe
“I simply adore you for writing the hard stuff”
“That was a powerful essay Danusia. 💙”
Lauren Barber Held. By Lauren Barber
“This is an absolutely amazing piece… and I feel totally fired up and confident just reading it.”
Follow Your Gut by Elin Petronella - ‘An essential space for all parents who think deeply and yearn to dive into the paradoxes of what it means to be a parent while pursuing personal goals too. Danusia is an absolute force and is brimming with knowledge and inspiration.’
Winning Sex Ed by Tara Dawn Hartley - ‘Somehow, Danusia's Substack feels like permission to be myself. It's an honest rallying cry from a business badass and mother of 10 who sees the value of considering multiple perspectives.’
Online Writing School by Kristina God - ‘Danusia is an unstoppable powerhouse. She's a C-suite consultant by day and a podcast host by night. She has 10 kids and "Parents Who Think" is my favorite newsletter for parents! I bet you'll love her!’
Would you like to Collaborate?
If you’d like to collaborate on a writing project because you’re a parent thinking about something important to you (and others), or you’d like to interview me, get in touch here!
Oh, I love this!! Being a parent is an incredible gift as we lovingly guide the next generation. Thank you for the empowering work you’re doing! Just subscribed 💖💖💖